How to select code type 1900 and 1885 when exist at least one time per part ?
I work on sql server 2012 I face issue I can't select Parts from table trades
that exist at least one time per for code type 1900 and 1885
so i need to make query select and get parts that
1- have code type 1885 or code type 1900 or both
2- if part id have code type 1885 or 1900 multiple time per part display it as part 20890
3- if code type have 1885 and have also code type 1995 not display part as 22390
4-if part have code type 1900 and code type 3400 not display part as 27981
what i try
select * from #PartsTransactions where codetype in (1885,1900)
but what i do on another case
so how to make query do all all points above and give me result below
- create table #PartsTransactions
- (
- TradeCodesId int identity(1,1),
- PartId int,
- CodeType int,
- Code int,
- PartLevel int
- )
- insert into #PartsTransactions(PartId,CodeType,Code,PartLevel)
- values
- (12590,1885,1000981,0),
- (14320,1700,4321094,0),
- (14320,1885,8551094,0),
- (14320,1900,8925678,0),
- (14320,1300,5876541,0),
- (55321,1900,1124338,0),
- (12590,1900,0198222,0),
- (12590,1885,7023339,0),
- (12890,1885,9904455,0),
- (12890,5431,6667789,0),
- (12590,7000,8765877,0),
- (12590,8000,4441322,0),
- (15320,3000,5901134,0),
- (15320,2500,5000111,0),
- (20890,1885,5790000,0),
- (20890,1885,7777722,0),
- (22390,1885,9801111,0),
- (22390,1995,4443211,0),
- (22390,6000,2234343,0),
- (25792,1900,8999011,0),
- (25792,2500,9000001,0),
- (27981,1900,9876411,0),
- (27981,3400,9011118,0),
- (27981,2800,7770002,0)
expected result as below