
How to Select a Record and use the result to Update

Dear Code Masters,
This your humble disciple again, humbling saying thank you for all the suggestions and tips that had made my coding improving by the day.
My masters i have a challenge with Stored Procedure, I want to write within my stored procedure an SQL statement that will do the following :
  1. Create Procedure InsertDocument  
  2. (  
  3.     @Category nvarchar(1000),  
  4.     @FileName nvarchar(1500),  
  5.     @ContentType Nvarchar(1500),  
  6.     @Data varbinary(MAX),  
  7.     @Description nvarchar(2000)  
  8. )  
  9. AS  
  10. BEGIN  
  11. Declare @mTerm nvarchar(2000)  
  12.     SET NOCOUNT ON;  
  14.     set @mTerm ="SELECT Description FROM  tbl_ElementalCostingRate  WHERE Description = "+@Description  
  15. exec @mTerm   
  16. IF (@mTrerm IS NOT Null)  
  17. UPDATE tbl_ElementalCostingRate SET Category=@Category, [fileName]=@FileName,ContentType=@ContentType,mBtye =@Data ,[Description] =@Description  
  18.  WHERE [Description] =@Description  
  19. ELSE  
  20. INSERT INTO tbl_ElementalCostingRate (Category,[fileName],ContentType,mBtye,[Description])   
  21.  VALUES(@Category,@FileName,@ContentType,@data,@Description)  
  23. END  
  25. END  
I am finding it difficult as i keep getting error any time i rewrite it and try so that is my challenge .
I will appreciate any help to resolve this issue and i will also want any like where i can get tutorial to write such Batch SQL statement like this.
Thank you 
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