
How to search multiple fields in sql database table and i will show in grid view

Venkat S

Venkat S

Hi Friends,

any one knows how to search multiple fields insql database table .
i have table like
string str2 = "select cld_id,cld_name,cld_adrs,cld_ctno,cld_cmdty,cld_tng,cld_state,cld_dst,cld_dof,cld_pby,cld_moc from coldstorage";
then i have checkbox list hear i have bind cld_name, dropdownlist hear i bind cld state and dropdown i bind cld_dst...
so now i want to select one or two ckeckboxes and i select state and distric
then i click searchbutton i want to show searching values in gridview
please give any idea how to search multiple fileds sqlquery

please any one helpm.

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