
How to round up the value end with Zero in asp.net mvc5?

Sneha K

Sneha K

Hi i need to round up to Zero Value (end value to be 0, like 450, 55000, 4560). Hi i want to round up the value with ending zero eg if i got value like 102498 means 102500 and if i got value like 47504 means 47500 this i have to do in mvc
eg values
999 =>1000
I want to round up the value and end value is zero of each one
My View Code
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped mb-none" id="tblTestDetails">
<th>Test Name</th>
<th>Total hrs</th>
<th>Total Cost</th>
<th>Total Cost With Discount</th>
@{double totRC = 0.0, totCost = 0.0, totWithDisc = 0.0, TotalRatecardcost = 0.0;}
@if (Model != null && Model.TestDetails != null && Model.TestDetails.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in Model.TestDetails)
<td class="amt-field">@item.PerHourRate</td>
<td class="amt-field">
@{double totamt = item.PerHourRate * item.TotalHours;
totRC += totamt;
totamt += totamt * item.Margin * 0.01;
totCost += totamt;
<td class="amt-field">
@{double totamtWithDisc = totamt - (totamt * item.Discount * 0.01);
totWithDisc += totamtWithDisc; }
In the above table i have to round off the **TOTAL COST VALUE** .Please any one understand my issue help me to resolve this issue.Thanks.
Answers (3)