
How to reset mouse cursor position

Chetan Saini

Chetan Saini


Working Environment I working on automobile feedback project which work on dual monitor in extended mode. Screen 1(Non Touch) - Customer Care Executive working screen Screen 2(Touch) - Customer feedback software running on this screen, which work only on touch no keyboard input.

Problem When customer click on screen 2 for feedback, cursor position changed from screen 1 to screen 2 which disturb customer care executive.

Proposed Solution Can i run background timer thread which checks cursor position after 1 or 2 milliseconds if its on screen 2 it will bring it back on by resetting cursor position.

What i want- Is it possible when customer click on screen 2 it perform click operation over there and bring back focus to last active control on screen 1 which can be textbox, window etc.

Questions Regarding above Solution

  • Will mouse click will be done in 1 or 2 milliseconds time period.
  • How can i restore focus to last active control on screen 1.
  • My main motive is not to disturb screen 1 executive working as customer screen will active on mouse click only for few milliseconds.