I work on SQL server 2012 I face issue I need to remove statement ( plid is null or ) with anything more good performance.
I enter CodeType Mandatory but plid not mandatory meaning maybe I entered or not
so main problem on my script using (or Plid is null)
I need to give anything alternative to (or Plid is null)
because it make query more slow
so what I do please
this is dashboard display count for Parts based on PLID and CodeTypeId
this is the full script
- CREATE TABLE #TempPlAndCodeType
- (
- CodeType NVARCHAR(100),
- PlName NVARCHAR(100),
- CodeTypeId int,
- PLID int,
- [Status] Nvarchar(500)
- )
- create clustered index idx on #TempPlAndCodeType (CodeTypeId)
- insert into #TempPlAndCodeType(CodeType,PLID) values ('HTS-US',NULL)
- update c set c.CodeTypeId=a.AcceptedValuesOptionID from #TempPlAndCodeType c
- inner join Nop_AcceptedValuesOption a with (nolock) on
- a.Name = c.CodeType and AcceptedValuesID=5652
- update c set c.PLID=a.AcceptedValuesOptionID from #TempPlAndCodeType c
- inner join Nop_AcceptedValuesOption a with (nolock) on
- a.Name = c.PlName and AcceptedValuesID=110
- create table #AllPlData
- (
- PLID nvarchar(50),
- PlIDName nvarchar(500),
- PartFamilyId int,
- PartId int,
- CodeType nvarchar(50),
- CodeTypeId int
- )
- insert into #AllPlData(PLID,PlIDName,PartFamilyId,PartId)
- SELECT fmat.Value as PLID,acc.Name,fmat.PartFamilyID,pt.PartId
- Parts.Nop_Part pt WITH(NOLOCK)
- INNER JOIN Parts.Nop_PartsFamilyAttribute fmat WITH(NOLOCK) ON fmat.PartFamilyID=pt.PartsFamilyID AND fmat.[Key]=20281007
- INNER JOIN dbo.Nop_AcceptedValuesOption acc WITH(NOLOCK) ON acc.AcceptedValuesOptionID=fmat.Value
- create table #CountAllPartsPLs
- (
- PLID nvarchar(50),
- CountAllPLParts int,
- Pl nvarchar(500),
- CodeType nvarchar(50),
- CodeTypeId int
- )
- insert into #CountAllPartsPLs (PLID,CountAllPLParts)
- SELECT d.PLID,COUNT(d.PartID) AS CountAllPLParts
- #AllPlData d
- inner join #TempPlAndCodeType c on c.PLID is null OR d.PLID=c.PLID
- update p set p.Pl=d.PlIDName from #CountAllPartsPLs p inner join #AllPlData d on d.PLID = P.PLID
- select distinct t.PartId,c.CodeTypeId,c.CodeType,c.PlID,C.PlName,PartLevel into #tradecodes from parts.Tradecodes t
- inner join #TempPlAndCodeType c on t.CodeTypeId=c.CodeTypeId
- SELECT pt.PLID,tr.CodeTypeId,
- COUNT(pt.PartID) [#partsHasCodes]
- into #partsHasCodes
- FROM #tradecodes tr WITH(NOLOCK)
- inner join #AllPlData pt ON pt.PartID = tr.PartID
- WHERE (tr.PLID is null OR pt.PLID=tr.PLID)
- GROUP BY pt.PLID,tr.CodeTypeId
- SELECT s.PLID,c.CodeTypeId,
- sum(isnull(CountAllPLParts,0) - isnull([#partsHasCodes],0)) [#MissedpartsHasCodes] into #MissedpartsHasCodes
- FROM #CountAllPartsPLs s left join #partsHasCodes c on c.PLID=s.PLID
- GROUP BY s.PLID,c.CodeTypeId
- SELECT pt.PLID,pt.CodeTypeId,
- COUNT(c.PartID ) AS [#partLevel]
- into #TpartLevel
- FROM #partsHasCodes pt
- inner join parts.TradeCodes c on c.CodeTypeId=pt.CodeTypeid and
- where c.PartLevel=1
- GROUP BY pt.PLID,pt.CodeTypeId
- SELECT s.PLID,c.CodeTypeId,
- sum(isnull([#partsHasCodes],0) - isnull([#partLevel],0)) [#partGeneration] into #TpartGeneration
- FROM #partsHasCodes s left join #TpartLevel c on c.PLID=s.PLID
- GROUP BY s.PLID,c.CodeTypeId
- SELECT pt.PLID,t.CodeType
- into #AllPLs
- #TempPlAndCodeType t
- inner join #AllPlData pt on (t.PLID is null OR pt.PLID=t.PLID)
- left join Parts.TradeCodes tr WITH(NOLOCK) ON pt.PartID = tr.PartID
- left join #TempPlAndCodeType c on (c.CodeTypeId=tr.CodeTypeID)
- GROUP BY pt.PlIDName,t.CodeType,pt.PLID
- select L.CodeType,ca.Pl,isnull(Ca.CountAllPLParts,0) as PlPartCount,isnull(c.[#partsHasCodes],0) as PartsHaveCodes,ISNULL(m.[#MissedpartsHasCodes],0) as MissedParts ,isnull(G.[#partGeneration],0) PartsHaveGeneration,isnull(P.[#partLevel],0)PartsOnPartLevel
- from #AllPLs L
- left join #CountAllPartsPLs Ca on L.PLID=Ca.PLID
- left join #partsHasCodes C on L.PLID=c.PLID
- left join #MissedpartsHasCodes m on L.PLID=m.PLID
- left join #TpartGeneration G on G.PLID=C.PLID
- left join #TpartLevel P on P.PLID=C.PLID
- drop table #partsHasCodes
- drop table #TpartGeneration
- drop table #TpartLevel
- drop table #MissedpartsHasCodes
- drop table #TempPlAndCodeType
- drop table #AllPLs
- drop table #CountAllPartsPLs
- drop table #AllPlData
- drop table #tradecodes
- drop table #TempPlAndCodeType