
How to read the data from the notepad and save the value in database?

Good Morning,
      Please do let me know how to read the values from the notepad where the values are seperated by semicolons and those semicolon seperated values must be saved in the each coloumn in the database!!
For ex:
000004004635;20200622;1000;000000000090001601;HOOK CLAMP K116951-BURKLE;NOS;1.000 ;1.000
;00000000;1000;000000000090001611;PU Straight Union 4 X 6;NOS;1.000 ;1.000
;00000000;1000;000000000090001616;PU Straight Union 6 X 10;NOS;1.000 ;1.000
Here  000004004635 is saved as ordernumber in Database and  20200622 is saved as material number in Database and again 00000000 in the second row must be saved as ordernumber in Database and so on!!
Thank you!!
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