
How to read propertyItem from Jpeg file Set with Windows Explorer.

Jigar Desai

Jigar Desai

I have been trying to read property item set by windows explorer (Windows XP) they are Title and Comments On Jpeg Image. This properties are set by Windows XP as Title : Type 1(unsigned byte) and Id 0x9c9b (40091) Comments : Type 1(unsigned byte) and Id 0x9c9c (40092) Now the problem how to read those properties correctly. I am getting some unknow characters added when i get values which makes those values unusable for display. may be i am doing some thing wrong for reading PropertyItem value, but i am yet to see any third party tool that displays those value correctly. I would appreciate if any body can show correct way to read those values. String Title = ""; String Comments = ""; using (System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(filename)) { try{ foreach (System.Drawing.Imaging.PropertyItem pi in img.PropertyItems) { if (pi.Id == TitleId) { Title = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pi.Value); }else if(pi.Id == DescriptionId){ Comments = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pi.Value); } } }catch(Exception ex){ } } Another serious problem is when you set those properties on Windows2000 server using file explorer and try to read using following code is gives error stating object refrence not set (meaning it does some thing wrong with PropertyItems and are no more readable.)