
How to put single flag if same cust have different account

Amitesh Verma

Amitesh Verma


Hi coder,

Let me explain what is my requirment. I need to check if i have customers with different productid if yes then i have to check if they have any producttype null or not in case any of the customerid have NULL producttype then flag for both the customerid should be N else Y 

 For example :I have a table in which i have many columns. PFB the table stucture

 Customerid   productid  producttype
  1                    a              x
  1                    b            Null
  2                    c             y
  2                    d             y
  3                    e             z
  3                    f              Null
what i want is like below:
Customerid  Productid   Productype  flag
1                     a                x                N
1                     b               Null             N
2                     c                y                Y                       
2                     d                y                Y
3                     e                z                N
3                     f               Null             N
till now what i have done
;with cte as
select * from test where customerid  in
(select  customerid  from test  group by customerid having count(*) >1
) )
from this i collect all the customerid who have more then one productid and different producttpe now i want to add the flag part.
Please let me know if this approach is good and how can i achieve the next thing.
Thanks in advance !! 
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