
How to PIVOT all rows into columns using LINQ

santosh behera

santosh behera

Hi how do i pivot rows into columns to show amount and bind into a List<class> using LINQ.

below i have given some data for better understanding.

i have record in table row wise for each month wise (tbl_Invoice)
InvoiceDetailsNo InvoiceDate Amount
Invoice1 1/1/2016 1
Invoice1 1/2/2016 2
Invoice1 1/3/2016 3
Invoice1 1/4/2016 4
Invoice1 1/5/2016 5
Invoice1 1/7/2016 5
Invoice1 1/1/2017 5
Invoice1 1/2/2017 6
Invoice1 1/2/2017 7

Invoice2 1/1/2016 3
Invoice2 1/2/2016 10
Invoice2 1/3/2016 5
Invoice2 1/4/2016 11
Invoice2 1/5/2016 7
Invoice2 1/6/2016 8

i want in pivot and record will display in column wise as below.
first year column are monthly and next year onwards column will be Q1-2016(sum of amount jan, feb ,mar 2016),Q2-2016(sum of amount apr,may,june) so on..

InvoiceNo Jan 2016 Feb 2016 Mar 2016 Apr 2016 May 2016 June 2016July 2016......Q12017
Invoice1 1  2  3  4  5  0 5 18
Invoice2 3 10 5 11 7 8 0

is it possible to pivot all the rows into column in LINQ..i have records for 15 years for each invoice(data stored in database monthly)
Let me know if you need more clarification. 

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