
How to pass large number of parameters to a constructor?

vandana jain

vandana jain

I am having a main form named "add.cs" containing user information (its name , age ....etc.) on this form i have drag a button to add the user's children information (their name , blood group , date of birth..etc)whose click event opens a form "addchild.cs" on which i have dragged two button one for stroring data and another to add controls at runtime. To add controls at runtime i have used this coding

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

                Label lblchild = new Label();
                lblchild.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
                lblchild.Location = new Point(20, (childrenCount - 1) * 50);
                lblchild.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(50, 20);
                lblchild.Text = "Child  " + (childrenCount - 1);
                TextBox tName = new TextBox(); //TextBox for the name
                tName.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
                tName.Location = new Point(120, (childrenCount - 1) * 50);
                tName.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(135, 60);
                tName.Text = "";
                DateTimePicker calendar = new DateTimePicker();
                //MonthCalendar calendar = new MonthCalendar(); //Calendar to choose the birth date
                calendar.Location = new Point(310, (childrenCount - 1) * 50);
                ComboBox bloodGroup = new ComboBox(); //ComboBox for the blood group
                bloodGroup.Location = new Point(650, (childrenCount - 1) * 50);
                bloodGroup.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(135, 60);
                for (Enum.Blood_Group l = Enum.Blood_Group.O_negative; l <= Enum.Blood_Group.AB_positive; l++)



            catch (Exception ex)


Now I have created a separate external class named "Childrendata" for storing the value of controls added on " addchild.cs". These class contains all the data that i want to store.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Jain_milan
    class Childrendata
        string childname, childblood, childbirth;

        public string Childbirth
            get { return childbirth; }
            set { childbirth = value; }
        public string Childblood
            get { return childblood; }
            set { childblood = value; }
        public string Childname
            get { return childname; }
            set { childname = value; }

then on the click event of the submission button on addchild.cs i have used this code to store the controls data to the variables of external class called Childdata.cs.

private void submitbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Checks the values try { string message = ""; foreach (Control c in this.Controls) { //loop throught the elements of the form if (c.GetType() == typeof(Panel)) { //check if the control is a Panel //Get the values from the input fields and add it to the message string Panel panel1 = (Panel)c; Label lblchild = (Label)(c.Controls[0]); TextBox tName = (TextBox)(c.Controls[1]); DateTimePicker calendar = (DateTimePicker)(c.Controls[2]); ComboBox bloodGroup = (ComboBox)(c.Controls[3]);   //add to class Childrendata childdata=new Childrendata(); childdata.Childname = tName.Text; childdata.Childblood= bloodGroup.Text; childdata.Childbirth=calendar.Text;   } } }   catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }

Now how can i made the constructor taking array or any other thing as parameter and that store all the values and i can call this constructor to my main page named add.cs .So on click event of a button on add.cs i may store these values into database by using coding like this.

Childrendata cd = new Childremdata(); Children child = new Children();   child.Namechild = cd.Childname; child.Bloodchild = cd.Childblood; child.Dobchild = cd.Childbirth; if (new InsertAction().Insertchildren(child)) { MessageBox.Show(" Children Insertion Happen "); } else { MessageBox.Show(" Children Insertion does not Happen "); }">
Please tell me the exact example because i have tried a-lot to solve this but no output!! Please help please please please