How to parse a text file in C#.Net
Hi..i want to know how can i parse a text file in Csharp.Net .I am giving an example of my textfile.This is the format of my textfile:
Date EmpID EmpName Address Department Position
08/08 001 Nazima address of emp Developer Fresher
08/08 002 Vali address of emp Developer Fresher
08/08 003 Farah address of emp DBAdmin Fresher
Now i have to go thru each and every line i have to find the departmentNo and then it has to be inserted in SQL DB..Then i have to go thru the records and insert this records into SQL DB..
i have written a code for searching DepatmentNo but once the control comes to if condition it does not perform any operation and the control goes to next statement..May i know how can i retrieve those data and store it in database.
This is my code:
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file);
string line = null;
line = sr.ReadToEnd();
str = line.Trim().Split('\n');
foreach (string item in str)
if (item.IndexOf("DepartmentNo")> -1)
string DNo1 = item.Substring(15, 23);
DNo = Convert.ToInt32(DNo1);
Hope u understood my doubt.And please do guide me..