
How to bind Records by Order using Asp.Net C# or Sql

Paul Rajs

Paul Rajs

Hi Friends ,
I am creating a project for ngo trust.A sponsor have to make birthday wishes for their adopted childs.its one or more than one.
my Requirement is in birthday home page i have 3 children (it can be less or more)
1.if i click 2 nd child the next page should bind 2nd child first then other two childs details . the problem is i am using slider.
2.if i click 3rd child to wish the next page should bind 3 rd child first then bind other two childs details on the slider one by one.
now i have bind 3 childrens order by birthdate . but how can i bind Clicked child firts and others next .
anyone know kindly suggest me to done this task.
thanking you
this is the Sql query which is am using
  1. SELECT q1.*, CASE WHEN MONTH(q1.Birthdate)=MONTH(GETDATE()) AND DAY(q1.Birthdate)>=DAY(GETDATE()) THEN 0 WHEN MONTH(q1.Birthdate)>MONTH(GETDATE()) THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS ChildOrder FROM ( SELECT PD.PledgeId, CD.ChildID, CD.GivenName as ChildName, CD.Birthdate, (CONVERT(int,DATEDIFF(d, CD.Birthdate, GETDATE()) / 365.25)+1) AS Age, DATENAME(MONTH, CD.Birthdate) AS BirthMonth, CONVERT(CHAR(3), DATENAME(MONTH, CD.Birthdate)) AS BirthMonth2, DAY(CD.Birthdate) as BirthDay, 2 AS NoDays, CD.WebPhotoPath as WebPhotoPath, PD.PaidThruDate, CONVERT(DATE,DATEADD(day,-45, REPLACE(CD.Birthdate, YEAR(CD.Birthdate), YEAR(GETDATE())))) as BtnBDayDate1, CONVERT(DATE,DATEADD(day,+45, REPLACE(CD.Birthdate, YEAR(CD.Birthdate), YEAR(GETDATE())))) as BtnBDayDate2 FROM Pledge_PledgeDetails PD INNER JOIN Child_ChildDetails CD ON CD.ChildID=PD.ChildID WHERE PD.LeadID=@LeadID AND CD.ProjectID not in (167948,197358,178124) AND PD.Status in (2) and (CONVERT(DATE,GETDATE())   -- Display child's birthday with 45 days interval BETWEEN CONVERT(DATE,DATEADD(day,-45, REPLACE(CD.Birthdate, YEAR(CD.Birthdate), YEAR(GETDATE())))) AND CONVERT(DATE,DATEADD(day,+45, REPLACE(CD.Birthdate, YEAR(CD.Birthdate), YEAR(GETDATE())))) OR CONVERT(DATE,GETDATE()) BETWEEN CONVERT(DATE,DATEADD(day,-45, REPLACE(CD.Birthdate, YEAR(CD.Birthdate), (YEAR(GETDATE())-1)))) AND CONVERT(DATE,DATEADD(day,+45, REPLACE(CD.Birthdate, YEAR(CD.Birthdate), (YEAR(GETDATE())-1)))) ) ) AS q1 WHERE q1.ChildID NOT IN (SELECT ChildID FROM CMS_ChildBirthdayWishes WHERE CreatedDate BETWEEN q1.BtnBDayDate1 AND q1.BtnBDayDate2) ORDER BY ChildID,ChildOrder, MONTH(q1.Birthdate), DAY(q1.Birthdate) ASC  
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