
How to open PDF Files in ASP.Net /VB.Net -2.0

Rocky Guls

Rocky Guls

Hello Sir
I have one  problem in ASP.Net  2.0.
If you refer the Scren shot i sent to you.
There is Parent Directory named Program Information and then child directory Reference Center and then PDF Files.
**** Right now only 1 child directory but it could be more and i hv to load all*****
I have to load directories on my ASP.net page/form (on the left side navigation bar) ------ means Blue background screen name Contents(It is a data grid)
Then when user will select any directory, then on the right hand side all corresponding PDF Files which are there in the directories will come as hyperlinks
---means in the red background List Box
Then when user will select any PDF and it will open on the browser.
Well most of the part has been done , can u please tell me how to convert the file name that are there in List Box into Hyperlink and then how to open PDF Files?
Can you please help me in finding the code for this.
It will be a great help for me!!!
Thanks and Regards,
Munish Gulati