
How to open Html file saved on cloud server in new tab in angular 8

dip s

dip s

 Hello All,
I have a cloud based application in angular 8 and asp.net MVC 5.
We have written some help files in html for how to use our application.  Now on each component we are going to display a button and on click of that button html help file will get opened in new tab. So, user can know how to use that particluar component.
We are going to save these help files on "D drive" of cloud server.
  1. window.open('url','windowname')  
So how to access/open this help file in new tab from angular application? 
I think I have to use window.open('url','window name')
But  What will be url in my case? Means what will be the path of html file if I save it on D drive of cloud server.
Or is there any other better option to show these help files. 
Thank you. 
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