Yesterday i was worked on reduce loop size ( that can make project smooth but i can't find answer.
I created shape like
- Polyline p = new Polyline();
- p.Stroke = Brushes.Red;
- p.StrokeThickness = 1.5;
- p.Points = new PointCollection {
- new Point(x, 20), new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40),new Point(x, 34),new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40),new Point(x, 34),new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40),new Point(x, 34),new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40),new Point(x, 34),new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40),new Point(x, 29),new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40),new Point(x, 34),new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40),new Point(x, 34),new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40),new Point(x, 34),new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40),new Point(x, 34),new Point(x, 40),
- new Point(x += XAxis, 40)
- };
This above entire code, I called one segment. I iam creating this segments for 120 mins.
this segment for only 0.010 seconds. This will make too large loop.
For example...
1 second == 100 loop
1 min == 6000 loop
1 hour == 360,000 loop
2 hour == 720,000 loop
So i want to reduce this loop (around 3600).