I work on SQL server 2012 Query I face issue : I can't Update status when at Least one Assembly Site
Record on temp table #rev Matched temp table #location based on Revision Id .
Expected Result is :
- Revision Id Status
- 1900 Found
- 2000 Not Found
- 5000 Found
as Example
Revision Id 1900 status Will be Found because Revision Id 1900 on temp #rev equal LocRevisionId on temp
#location and Assembly Site on temp #rev equal locAssemblySiteId on temp #location at least one .
Revision Id 2000 status Will be Not Found because Revision Id 2000 on temp #rev equal LocRevisionId on
temp #location and Assembly Site on temp #rev Not equal locAssemblySiteId on temp #location at least one .
- create table #rev
- (
- RevisionId int,
- AssemblySiteId int,
- Status nvarchar(200)
- )
- insert into #rev(RevisionId,AssemblySiteId)
- values
- (1900,200),
- (2000,300),
- (5000,800)
- create table #location
- (
- locRevisionId int,
- locAssemblySiteId int
- )
- insert into #location(locRevisionId,locAssemblySiteId)
- values
- (1900,200),
- (1900,150),
- (2000,290),
- (2000,310),
- (5000,800),
- (5000,820)