
How to make Retrofit execute methods in exact order?

Om Prakash

Om Prakash


I have a method that calls three(foo1(), foo2(), foo3()) api method inside it and each method is dependant on another method's response. I want to call foo1() and when it get response from api then call the foo2() and so on. I am eleborating the process below : 

public class Order{ 
   private String mResponse1 = ""; 
   private String mResponse2 = "";
   private String mResponse3 = "";
   public boolean CreateOrder(String param1, String param2, String param3)
      // Wait until foo1() get response
         //There is some line of code here then call below method. 
      // Wait until foo2() get response
      if( !mResponse2.IsEmpty())
         //There is some line of code here then call below method.  
      //There is some line of code here .  
      return true; 
   private void foo1(String param1)
       mResponse1 = //Set api response
   private void foo2(String param2)
      mResponse2 = //Set api response
   private void foo3(String param3)
        mResponse3 = //Set api response

Now how to acheive the above senario using retrofit asynchronous calling. I can't break method CreateOrder() into three.

Answers (2)