
How to make Inno Setup install a 2-language application

Franz Heyn

Franz Heyn



I have a small application which I like to use with English and German.strings.

What I did :

created a Resource-File Language.resx,

created a Resource-File Language.de-De.resx,

created a Resource-File Language.en-US..resx

added all the strings and everything's OK in Debug-mode as well as with the exe-file in bin\Release

with Inno to create a Setup-File however I don't know which items to add.

in bin\Release I find to folders "en-Us" and "de-DE". Both folders contain one file : appname.resources.dll.

when I add above folders to Inno data, later on there won't be these folders in the Application-folder created by Inno-Setup.

instead I find appname.resources.dll. only once. Running the installed Application will show a window with an empty menubar

what am I missing here? Any idea appreciated.

thanks in advance


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