How to load an API method with ordinal number?
Hi everyone
I have an unmanaged Dll and I want to use it in my app. I have the Dll's methods ordinal numbers. Now I want to use this methods with their ordinal number.
I have written the following code (I use the kernel32.dll APIs):
// LoadLibrary method defined in kernel32.dll. It gets the name of Dll and load it.
IntPtr pDll = LoadLibrary("Foo.dll");
// GetProcAddress method defined in kernel 32. It gets the pointer to the dll and name of
// method to call.
IntPtr pAddressOfFuncToCall = GetProcAddress(pDll, "MyFunc");
Now I need a method like GetProcAddress that get the ordinal number of a method instead name.
Can anyone guide me?
Thanks in advanced.