
How to kill http session after action completes in OAF

Bargavi kalla

Bargavi kalla

I am calling one activity for csv download in IE9 utilizing OAF system.
Subsequent to handling gets finished, program is demonstrating the csv to Save or Download.
Yet, the issue is my program gets hanged with handling mouse sign, for which I need to press F5 to slaughter the session. https://goo.gl/DeoSsF
At that point program is enabling me to Open/Download the CSV document.
The prob is ,I am ready to close the session at program level as I have been utilizing OAF and no javascripts codes are being utilized as a part of my code.
  1. HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)pageContext.getRenderingContext().getServletResponse();  
  2. response.setContentType("text/csv");  
  3. response.setHeader("Content-Disposition""attachment; filename=" + file_name + ".csv");  
  4. ServletOutputStream pw = null;