I am developing a small web application.
but, i struck in two place in our application.
1. insert JSON format.
2. insert title with replace space to "-"
1. problem:
actually, I write a form. and one tags textbox there. enter below format.
ex. tags : r, u,p,e,s,h
it's converted into JSON string by using angular.
ex: ["r","u","p","e","s","h"]
But, it is not inserted in json formate. only inserted into normal format(r,u,p,e,s,h).
2. problem:
actually, i have two textboxs. both are title based. but, first text box is user enter the title. and second textbox will convert automatically replace space to hyphen (-). basically, i want convert in webapi controller file. but, not converted.
i am using this syntax:
post.postTitle.Split(new string[] { "-", " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).
but, not converted.