
How to insert into table json data.

Hello FRIENDS, i want to take data (complex json format) and be able to insert them into a table (sql server) using c#.   here below is the json data i want to insert into a table . please give me a hand. thank you very much {    "data": [       {          "description": "http://www.a-kon.com/\nhttps://www.facebook.com/ProjectAKon",          "end_time": "2017-06-11T13:00:00-0500",          "name": "A-Kon",          "place": {             "name": "Fort Worth, TX, United States",             "location": {                "city": "Fort Worth",                "country": "United States",                "latitude": 32.7574,                "longitude": -97.3332,                "state": "TX"             },             "id": "114148045261892"          },          "start_time": "2017-06-08T10:00:00-0500",          "id": "175088879584341"       },       {          "description": "PK \"Predejane\"organizuje uspon na najvisi vrh Anda i Juzne Amerike,Akonkagvu (6962m). Od 10.01.do 03.02.2017.\n\nPLAN PUTA\n\n1.Beograd-?-Buenos Aires\n\n2. Dolazak u Buenos Aires.Nastavak puta za Mendozu\n\n3. Dolazak u Mendozu.Sme\u0161taj u hotelu.Nocenje\n\n4. Transport minibusom do Penitentesa (2600m).Nocenje \n\n5. Horkones \u2013 Confluensia(3300m). Sme\u0161taj i nocenje u kampu.\n\n6. Aklimatizacioni uspon do Plaze Francia (4000m).Povratak u kamp,nocenje..\n\n7.Uspon do Plaze de Mulas(4200m).BC\n\n8.-17.Uspon na najvisi vrh Juzne Amerike,Akonkagva(6962m.)\n\n18.Silazak u Plazu de Mulas-Penitentesa,nocenje\n\n19.Povratak u Mendozu,smestaj u hotelu,nocenje\n\n20.Rezervni dan..\n\n21.Rezervni dan..\n\n22.Rezervni dan...\n\n23.Rezervni dan..\n\n24. Mendoza-Buenos Aires\n\n25,Buenos Aires-? Beograd\n\nNAPOMENA:Organizator zadrzava pravo izmene plana,odlaganja ili otkazivanja akcije u slucaju losih vremenskih prilika i nepredvidjenjih okolnosti...Svi ucesnici treba da su dobrog zdravlja,da budu psihofizicki spremnii i budu spremni na promene i improvizaciju na terenu..Svi planinari na akciju polaze dobrovoljno i na sopstvenu odgovornost u skladu sa pravilnikom o bezbednosti PSS-a.\nUkoliko nam rezervni dani ne budu potrebni iskoristicemo ih za obilazak Mendoze i Buenos Airesa.\nTacan datum polaska i povratka,kao i grad izmedju Beograda i B.Airesa znace se posle kupovine avio karata 01.10.2017.\n\nCENA :1100E.,2100USD.(MINIMUM 5 UCESNIKA)\n\nMOGUCA JE KOREKCIJA CENE UKOLIKO POSKUPE AVIO KARTE I DOZVOLE ZA PENJANJE\n\nU CENU URACUNATO:Povratna avio karta do Buenos Airesa sa svim taksama,osiguranje,povratna autobuska karta B.Aires - Mendoza,sva nocenja u hotelima-hostelima u B.Airesu i Mendozi,dozvola za uspon,2 nocenja u domu Lanko u Penitentesu,2 nocenja u Confulensii,mule za stvari do 4300m.,povratna karta Mendoza -Penitentes,transfer od aerodroma do B.Airesa,troskovi vodjenja i organizacije.\n\nU CENU NIJE URACUNATO: Viza (za strane drzavljane kojima je potrebna)Individualni troskovi:Hrana,voda...\nPRIJAVE:Uz akontaciju od 1000e.najkasnije do 25.09.2016.\n\nU SLUCAJU OTKAZIVANJA NACI ZAMENU ILI SE AKONTACIJA NE VRACA\n\nOPREMA:Spisak ce biti dostavljen ucesnicima\n\nORGANIZATOR:PK PREDEJANE\n\nVODJA PUTA I USPONA Zoran Pavlovic 0628561975 zoran.paca\u0040gmail.com",          "end_time": "2017-01-10T22:00:00+0100",          "name": "Akonkagva 2017.",          "start_time": "2017-01-10T19:00:00+0100",          "id": "1598703070421001"       },       {          "description": "he wants liberia to be electrify",          "name": "Akon is coming to liberia",          "place": {             "name": "monrovia and  ganta"          },          "start_time": "2016-10-19T16:50:00+0000",          "id": "679466622218253"       },       {          "description": "More details closer to the event!",          "end_time": "2017-06-09T14:00:00-0500",          "name": "A-kon DC Photoshoot",          "start_time": "2017-06-09T13:00:00-0500",          "id": "645946458909648"       },       {          "description": "More details closer to event!",          "end_time": "2017-06-10T14:00:00-0500",          "name": "A-kon Marvel Photoshoot",          "start_time": "2017-06-10T13:00:00-0500",          "id": "175390776236897"       },       {          "description": "Do you love reading? Do you want to discover new books in a supportive, creative environment with other adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse from the African/Black/Caribbean community? \n\nJoin us as we read a range of books, from fiction to inspirational and featuring a diverse group of authors. Light refreshments will be served. Free.\n\nOur first selection is Jacqueline Woodson's Another Brooklyn!\nhttps://www.amazon.com/Another-Brooklyn-Novel-Jacqueline-Woodson/dp/0062359983",          "end_time": "2016-11-08T20:00:00-0500",          "name": "Akonda Book Club",          "place": {             "name": "CONNECT - Safe Families, Peaceful Communities",             "location": {                "city": "New York",                "country": "United States",                "latitude": 40.8097076,                "longitude": -73.9456711,                "state": "NY",                "street": "127 W 127th St, Rm 431",                "zip": "10027"             },             "id": "55169632201"          },          "start_time": "2016-11-08T18:30:00-0500",          "id": "303392943380204"       },       {          "description": "This is going to be a Photoshoot  for the Steven Universe Cosplayers on Saturday the 3rd! The Photoshoot will be in that 1 small hour we have! The location is TBA right now, but will be determined soon!",          "end_time": "2017-06-03T14:00:00-0500",          "name": "A-Kon 28 - Steven Universe Shoot",          "place": {             "name": "Project: A-Kon",             "location": {                "city": "Fort Worth",                "country": "United States",                "latitude": 32.80018,                "longitude": -96.82784,                "state": "TX",                "street": "1201 Houston St",                "zip": "76102"             },             "id": "91042974561"          },          "start_time": "2017-06-03T13:00:00-0500",          "id": "265167067172213"       },       {          "description": "**Update: Please review the poll and vote asap regarding locations!!!\n\nGet ready for the return of the Final Fantasy Cosplay Event of the century!\n\nNew time. New location!\n\nOur group is in the pre-reg system and once the maps are compelted, we can pick a spot. We'll have the Ft. Worth Water Gardens to play with, which offers tons of options for shade (woo!)\n\nStay tuned and invite your friends!",          "end_time": "2017-06-10T12:00:00-0500",          "name": "A-Kon 2017 Final Fantasy Cosplay Gathering!",          "place": {             "name": "Project: A-Kon",             "location": {                "city": "Fort Worth",                "country": "United States",                "latitude": 32.80018,                "longitude": -96.82784,                "state": "TX",                "street": "1201 Houston St",                "zip": "76102"             },             "id": "91042974561"          },          "start_time": "2017-06-10T11:00:00-0500",          "id": "1609620906034555"       },       {          "description": "I love",          "name": "Agim akon",          "place": {             "name": "Platuas state"          },          "start_time": "2016-12-25T20:30:00+0200",          "id": "162212500876966"       },       {          "description": "Akon 28 hetalia photoshoots more to be added",          "end_time": "2017-06-05T12:00:00-0500",          "name": "Akon 28 Hetalia World Photoshoot",          "place": {             "name": "Project: A-Kon",             "location": {                "city": "Fort Worth",                "country": "United States",                "latitude": 32.80018,                "longitude": -96.82784,                "state": "TX",                "street": "1201 Houston St",                "zip": "76102"             },             "id": "91042974561"          },          "start_time": "2017-06-02T12:00:00-0500",          "id": "584525071728253"       },       {          "name": "Saharuf Akon",          "start_time": "2016-12-22T22:38:00+0200",          "id": "1651707795050016"       },       {          "name": "Agim john Akon",          "place": {             "name": "Lagos"          },          "start_time": "2016-12-25T14:00:00+0200",          "id": "176101282812707"       },       {          "description": "Love Live gathering and photoshoot",          "end_time": "2017-06-10T16:00:00-0500",          "name": "A-Kon 28 Love Live Gathering/Photoshoot",          "place": {             "name": "TBA"          },          "start_time": "2017-06-10T15:00:00-0500",          "id": "1124535747618426"       },       {          "description": "AKONIMA Rockshow mit St\u00fcck von von No doubt, 4 Non Blondes, Toto, Nightwish, Tina Turner und vielem mehr. Etwa 80 Musiker werden in der Stadthalle Wehr vor ausverkauftem Haus eine Rockparty feiern. \nSagt heute schon zu und sichert euch mit eurer Zusage die ersten Eintrittskarten zu diesem Event.",          "name": "Akonima Show 2016",          "place": {             "name": "Stadthalle Wehr",             "location": {                "city": "Wehr",                "country": "Germany",                "latitude": 47.6257499,                "longitude": 7.90551,                "street": "Hauptstr. 14",                "zip": "79664"             },             "id": "154369194650281"          },          "start_time": "2016-12-17T19:00:00+0100",          "id": "1747413835527634"       },       {          "end_time": "2016-10-20T22:00:00+0300",          "name": "A.Konyaspor SC Braga",          "place": {             "name": "Torku Arena",             "location": {                "city": "Konya",                "country": "Turkey",                "latitude": 37.946328,                "longitude": 32.485694             },             "id": "1485334171755958"          },          "start_time": "2016-10-20T20:00:00+0300",          "id": "335212856815371"       },       {          "description": "What did u went",          "name": "Agim John Akon",          "place": {             "name": "New York"          },          "start_time": "2016-12-31T00:00:00+0100",          "id": "641725366003660"       },       {          "description": "Come join the Kizna program with others and know how close people can really be and then take some pictures :D. Maybe make a friend or two! Date pending but Friday at 2 will most likely be what we're shooting for.",          "end_time": "2017-06-02T15:00:00-0500",          "name": "Kiznaiver A-kon 28 Photoshoot",          "place": {             "name": "Project: A-Kon",             "location": {                "city": "Fort Worth",                "country": "United States",                "latitude": 32.80018,                "longitude": -96.82784,                "state": "TX",                "street": "1201 Houston St",                "zip": "76102"             },             "id": "91042974561"          },          "start_time": "2017-06-02T14:00:00-0500",          "id": "303494633322281"       },       {          "description": "\"APU AKON KAWAK\"\nAconcagua, Uspallata Mendoza\ndel 8 al 12 de Diciembre 2016\n\nViaje de Activaci\u00f3n al V\u00f3rtice de la Sagrada Energ\u00eda Femenina ( 5 dias y 4 noches) \n\nViaje espiritual al Cerro Aconcagua \nque en lengua sagrada Quechua es Akon Kawak que significa \u201ccentinela blanco\u201d es decir el que vigila y protege un lugar desde la impecabilidad y la pureza y en Mapudungun (lengua Mapuche) es Aconca Hue que significa \u201cel que viene de otro lado\u201d ya que el Apu (esp\u00edritu) viene desde las estrellas para asistir a la humanidad para el despertar de la Nueva Tierra. \n\nEl Cerro Aconcagua es el m\u00e1s alto de toda Am\u00e9rica y hoy cumple un papel fundamental en el despertar del nuevo hombre y mujer sobre la Tierra, ya que es el V\u00f3rtice de la Sagrada Energ\u00eda Femenina. La llamada energ\u00eda Kundalini que para los sabios andinos es Kawsay (energ\u00eda viva) luego de su asentamiento durante miles de a\u00f1os en los Himalayas en su polaridad masculina, hoy se encuentra en las Am\u00e9ricas en su polaridad femenina. El Apu Akon Kawak es la antena o Saiwa (pilar de energ\u00eda) faro para toda la humanidad que irradia su Luz para todos los Seres sin distinci\u00f3n, en esta etapa planetaria de trascendencia de lo humano hacia lo divino. \n\nEs el tiempo de reencuentro con nosotros mismos y con todos los Seres, por eso invitamos a todos los Guardianes y Guardianas de la Tierra a caminar juntos hacia el Coraz\u00f3n de la Sagrada Energ\u00eda Femenina. En este viaje conectaremos con pr\u00e1cticas ancestrales y excursiones a Huacas (Centros Sagrados y Energ\u00e9ticos), Cerro Tunduqueral, Templo de la Madre Divina, Laguna Espejo, Laguna Horcones, Cerro Aconcagua (mirador), Puente del Inca, Las B\u00f3vedas, Ciudadela Inca (Ranchillos), bosque, r\u00edos, monta\u00f1as y mucho m\u00e1s.\n\n\n\nAlojamiento: \n\"La Quebrada del Sauce\", situada en el Valle de Uspallata lejos del ruido y rodeada de \u00e1rboles, la Quebrada del Sauce te conecta con la naturaleza, para disfrutar de la tranquilidad y la paz contemplando los m\u00e1s bellos paisajes que ofrece la Codillera de los Andes.\nP\u00e1gina: http://www.laquebradadelsauce.com/\n\nTodos los d\u00edas se dispondr\u00e1 de tiempo libre. \nLas caba\u00f1as cuentan con habitaciones para compartir. \nNo es necesario tener conocimientos previos ni haber recibido los Ritos Munay Ki. \n\nOrganizan y Coordinan: \nCONCIENCIA SOLAR y ZENDERO DE LUZ \n\nMarina Pinelli: Terapeuta Floral y Energ\u00e9tica. Astrolog\u00eda, Alquimia, Radiestesia. Creadora de la Escuela de la Nueva Tierra \"Conciencia Solar\"  y de los C\u00edrculos de Mujeres Solares en Ramos Mej\u00eda, zona oeste del gran Bs As. Realizando viajes evolutivos desde el 2005. \n\nSa\u00fal Augusto Borge: Guardi\u00e1n de La Tierra, iniciado en los Templos Sagrados del Per\u00fa por los Chamanes Q'eros. Facilitador de los 9 Ritos del Munay Ki. Terapeuta Vibracional. Instructor de Tai Chi\u2013Chi Kung. Maestro de Reiki. Maestro de Geometr\u00eda Sagrada: M\u00e9todo Melchizedek, Cuerpo de Luz (Merkaba). Maestro de Magnified Healing. Facilitador de Vortex Healing. Instructor de Sonidos Sagrados: Cuencos de Cristal de Cuarzo, Cuencos Tibetanos, Mantras C\u00f3smicos y Canto de Arm\u00f3nicos. Co-Creador de los \u201cViajes de Luz\u201d y \u201cMunay Shonko\u201d. Conocedor y Facilitador de la artes de sanaci\u00f3n Cham\u00e1nicas, Sinterg\u00e9ticas, Tao\u00edstas y Hologr\u00e1ficas. www.zenderodeluz.com\n\nInformes: \nSaul Borge  \nzenderodeluz\u0040hotmail.com\nTel. 4824-6068 / 15-5057-4428  \n\nMarina Pinelli \nFacebook: Marina Pinelli (Conciencia Solar)  \nmarinaepinelli\u0040yahoo.com.ar   \nTel. 15-4047-4956",          "end_time": "2016-12-12T18:00:00-0300",          "name": "\"APU AKON KAWAK\"    Viaje de Activaci\u00f3n al V\u00f3rtice de la Sagrada Energ\u00eda Femenina. Cerro Aconcagua, Cordillera Andina, Uspallata, Mendoza.",          "place": {             "name": "Valle De Uspallata",             "location": {                "city": "Uspallata",                "country": "Argentina",                "latitude": -32.591666181422,                "longitude": -69.3476795802             },             "id": "558001874211293"          },          "start_time": "2016-12-08T08:00:00-0300",          "id": "1658458701101801"       },       {          "end_time": "2016-12-08T21:00:00+0200",          "name": "A.konyaspor KAA GENT",          "place": {             "name": "Torku Arena",             "location": {                "city": "Konya",                "country": "Turkey",                "latitude": 37.946328,                "longitude": 32.485694             },             "id": "1485334171755958"          },          "start_time": "2016-12-08T19:00:00+0200",          "id": "1580066625632137"       },       {          "description": "2D1N Sagada Tour\n\nHighlights :\n\n* Breath - taking views at KILTEPAN and Banaue Rice Terraces\n* Discover Sagada culture and history : Hanging coffins, Weaving and Pottery House\n* Cave exploration of Lumiang and Sumaguing Caves\n* Peaceful and relaxing overnight stay in Sagada, good food and friendly locals\nPhp 1,650/Head ( Most affordable )-If reached 21-26 pax.\nPhp 1,700/Head if 12-20 pax only. \nIf not reached 20 pax, max is 16 pax only.( First 16 na magdown po ang iaccomodate if ever) \n\nInclusions :\n\u2022 Round trip Private Van ( Manila - Banaue - Sagada - Baguio - Manila )\n\u2022 1 night accomodation in Sagada\n\u2022 Day tour in Sagada ( Lumiang and Sumaguing caves, Sagada Weaving, Ganduyan, Museum, St. Mary's Church, Echo Valley, Hanging coffins, Kiltepan viewpoint/Sea of clouds), Lake Danum and Sunset Viewing\n\u2022 Side trip to Banaue Rice terraces Viewpoint and Strawberry Farm\n\u2022 Tour Guide Fees in Sagada (Except caving activities)\n\u2022 Fuel, toll fees, driver's meals and accomodation\n\u2022 Entrance Fees and Permits\n\n\nExlusions : \n* Meals\n* Normal Caving - 150/head\n* Cave Connection - 400/head\n\nSample Itinerary\n\nDay 00 ( Oct 29, 2016 )\n10 :00 PM - ETD Mcdo Quezon Ave ( Centris )\nDay 01\n6:00 - ETA Banaue\n \u2022 Stop over viewpoint for picture taking\n7:00 - Breakfast*\n8:00 - To Sagada\n10:00 - ETA Sagada ( Start tour) \n  \u2022 Sagada Weaving\n  \u2022 Ganduyan Museum\n11:00 - Check - in ( if room is available)\n12:00 - Lunch*\n13:00 - Lumiang and Sumaguing caves\n  \u2022 Optional activy : Caving*\n17:00 - Lake Danum,Sunset Viewing\n18:30 - Back to Lodging\nFree Time\n\nDay 02\n5:00 - Call time/Bfast*/Check out\n \u2022 Activity : Sunrise viewing at Kiltepan (Isigaw na natin ang WALANG FOREVER :D)\n6:00 - Start tour :\n  \u2022 St. Mary's Church\n  \u2022 Echo Valley\n  \u2022 Hanging Coffins\n\n7:00 - To Baguio\nHighest Point ( Halsema Hi - way )\n12:00 - ETA Benguet/Lunch*\n13:00 - Proceed to Strawberry Farm\n  \u2022 Optional Activity : Strawberry - picking*\n\n14:00 - Depart To Manila (Pagod na)\n20:00 - ETA Manila\n\n* --KKB po\n\nPaalam sa mga nakasama ng nakangiti xD\n\nDownpayment 500/Head for reservation\nDeadline : October 15, 2016 .. \n\nNo Downpayment, No reservation. \n\nAccount : \nPhilchie Tan Nob\nBDO Account No. - 010520017927\n\nMaraming Salamat po..",          "end_time": "2016-10-31T22:00:00+0800",          "name": "Tara sa SAGADA, samahan niyo akong isigaw ang 'WALANG FOREVER' Haha",          "place": {             "name": "Sagada, Mt. Province",             "location": {                "city": "Sagada",                "country": "Philippines",                "latitude": 17.083090002428,                "longitude": 120.90047177507,                "street": "Bagnen Proper",                "zip": "2619"             },             "id": "535649919783071"          },          "start_time": "2016-10-29T21:00:00+0800",          "id": "1190662524314050"       },       {          "description": "Join the RFA for a get together!",          "end_time": "2017-06-02T13:00:00-0500",          "name": "Mystic Messenger Photo Shoot at A-kon28",          "start_time": "2017-06-02T12:00:00-0500",          "id": "334803110190218"       },       {          "description": "come and join us for a fun time of picture taking and crazy fun with other Fullmetal Alchemist people. \ntime and location to be decied later and are suject to change",          "end_time": "2017-06-03T17:00:00-0500",          "name": "Fullmetal Alchemist Photoshoot A-kon 28",          "start_time": "2017-06-03T16:00:00-0500",          "id": "553788088141476"       },       {          "description": "Come and Join us for a fun time of cosplaying and picture taking. time and local is subject to change. make sure to check back for any updates",          "end_time": "2017-06-03T19:00:00-0500",          "name": "Tenchi Muyo Meet up\\photoshoot A-kon 28",          "place": {             "name": "Project: A-Kon",             "location": {                "city": "Fort Worth",                "country": "United States",                "latitude": 32.80018,                "longitude": -96.82784,                "state": "TX",                "street": "1201 Houston St",                "zip": "76102"             },             "id": "91042974561"          },          "start_time": "2017-06-03T18:00:00-0500",          "id": "1166505546743912"       },       {          "end_time": "2020-01-01T02:00:00+0700",          "name": "im planing of destroying this cruel world!!!!  akon lng balay akon ibilin",          "start_time": "2020-01-01T00:00:00+0700",          "id": "1030890976924373"       },       {          "description": "Onces again we come in arms to do a Legend of Zelda photoshoot. I hope to see odd and new faces again these year at the shoot. Come and join us! time and place to be decised later, and are subject to change",          "end_time": "2017-06-03T14:00:00-0500",          "name": "Legend of Zelda Photoshoot A-kon 28",          "start_time": "2017-06-03T13:00:00-0500",          "id": "1060541414042068"       }    ],    "paging": {       "cursors": {          "before": "MAZDZD",          "after": "MjQZD"       },       "next": "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.8/search?access_token=EAAQTvZCRO1SkBAN69jLu8ff4xCJfsCCNJufrmU4IwedIKG1GGeRaZBiAimDUmAkRGVuXNqJPMCDO91QSyENYEfgZAt5aMA6jNCZAmoZCMdNOeauj8azvKX4ODQvmA3MtQ8ax0UjHc3PSCUH65nExG0y2feV2VDNj9wnmCUSXBEwZDZD&pretty=1&q=akon&type=event&limit=25&after=MjQZD"    } }   What I have tried:   I have tried different ways to insert a complex json data into table sql server using c# but in vain.
Answers (1)