How to Insert data Through GridView in ASP.Net 2.0
Hellow All
I am new in ASP.Net Application. I have a page with some TextBoxes and GridView. I have Done the Values of Textboxes save into Invoice Table and i want to save Invoice Detail values through GridView, But the GridView behave readonly.I want to Insert values firstly in GridView. But it Behaves ReadOnly
In Windows Application form i can write in DataGridView (As many Record) and click save Button then textboxes value save in Invoice table & DataGrid Values save in Invoice Detail Table. using this
foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dgview.Rows)
if (dr.Cells[1].Value != null)
CMS.Components.WEB.Invoice_Detail objd = new CMS.Components.WEB.Invoice_Detail();
objd.Description = Convert.ToString(dr.Cells["Description"].Value);
objd.Quantity = Convert.ToString(dr.Cells[2].Value);
How can i use this senerio in ASP.Net Application?
Is there any other way when i click INSERT Button then textBoxes values save in Invoice Table and Invoice Detail values(All Row, More then 1) save in Inv_Detail Table only one Insert Button Click?
If May be Possible send me sample project?