
How to implement Interfaces in the Data access layer?

petre ricardo

petre ricardo


IDE : VS 2008,
Platform : .NET 3.5,


I typically dont create interfaces unless i have to, however in my current application i have to create interfaces in the Data access layer. I'm a in a minor confusion that hwo do i create those interfaces more how to implement them:

the following code might make things clear:

I have the following class and interface in the data access namespace


using ConsoleApplication8.BusinessLayer;
using ConsoleApplication8.DataAccessLayer ;
using System.Data ;
using System ;

Namespace DataAccessLayer

    Public Class CountryGateway : ICountryGateway 
        public void InitCountry() 
             //write code 
        public Int32 saveCountry(ByRef obj As Country) 
            //write code 


        //implementation for other methods SearchByIndex() SearchByName and UpdateCountry() 


    Interface ICountryGateway {
        void InitCountry() ;
        Int32 saveCountry(ref obj As Country) ;
        DataSet SearchByIndex(countryNo As String)
        DataSet SearchByName(countryName As String);
        Int32 updateCountry(ref country As Country);


Namespace BusinessLayer {

    Public Class Country {



1. Is this way implement the interface in the data access layer? (in this case the class CountryGateway access the database.) i.e:  That we should create interfaces to access DB in the DAL and then we should also write the implementation for those interfaces in the DAL?

2. I have been told that we should create interfaces than abstract classes espcially in the data access layer, is there a particular reason for this?

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