
how to get total working hours per day?

Abhilash J A

Abhilash J A

Hello Everyone,
how to get total working hours per day with respect to a HolderName using sql query?
This is the sql table that contain input/output date and time with input/output status. 
Kindly answer me.
Thanks advance. 
ID CardNo HolderNo HolderName IODate IOTime IOGateNo IOGateName IOStatus
1 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 12:14PM 1-Jan Door #1(I/O) Entry
2 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 12:14PM 2-Jan Door #2(I/O) Entry
3 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 12:14PM 6-Jan Door #2(I/O) Exit
4 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 12:15PM 2-Jan Door #2(I/O) Entry
5 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 4:05PM 6-Jan Door #2(I/O) Exit
6 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 4:05PM 5-Jan Door #1(I/O) Exit
7 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 4:08PM 1-Jan Door #1(I/O) Entry
8 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 4:08PM 2-Jan Door #2(I/O) Entry
9 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 4:09PM 6-Jan Door #2(I/O) Exit
10 118 85 Raj 1/1/2016 4:09PM 5-Jan Door #1(I/O) Exit
Answers (5)