
how to get the single user post data from two table in asp.n

eswar rao

eswar rao

how to get the single user post data from two table in asp.net using c# with sql query. 
dear sir ,i have a one problem regarding get the data from database of single user data from two tables using asp.net ..
i have two tables that table2 is user post data and table2 contain images paths of table one post data,i want whos post the data from two tables ..i mean if i post the data i want display only my posts where postby=eswar..
i hope you understand my problem ..(i got the data but another persons posted data also )by using below query ...please write a right query to get the perfect data..
my query is:
SELECT n.newsid, n.state, n.district, n.region, n.views, n.currentplace, n.newstitle,
n.description, n.poston, n.postby, (SELECT TOP 1 imagepath FROM tbl_userpost_newsimages ni WHERE nipostby='"+lbl_upname.Text+"' and n.newsid=ni.newsid) AS imagepath
FROM tbl_userpost_news n Order By n.poston desc
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