How do I get the contents between two nodes (under the same parent node) as a string...for example, assume there is a xml file as
- <xml version="1.0"?>
- <main>
- <abc>This is <day>1day> the <day>5day>th <month>Novembermonth> <year>1993year><abc>
- <xyz>It does not matter what <day>10day> it is <day>3day> of <day>19day><xyz>
- <main>
How do I get the contents between the first
node and the next node under a any given parent nodes?. i.e. the output should give the results
" the ", " it is " and " of ".
I think it's gonna look something similar to
var nodes = Doc.DescendantNodes().OfType<XText>().Select(a=>a.Value)
but I cannot figure exactly how?
Can someone help...?