I work on SQL server 2012 I have issue I can't get Part Id that have only map code type from and code value from
and not have map code type to and code value to depend on table #map ?
every part id must be found on table trades two times
first row for same part for map from
second row for same part for map to
meaning every part must exist two time
but if it exist as one time for part as map from and not have map to
then this
what I need to display because it not have map to
as example
parts 1410,1445 have map from code tyepfrom and codevalue from only so it must display
part 1348 no need to display or show because it have map from and map to
so How to write query on sql server 2012 display parts from table trades that have map from code type and code value
only and not have map to(code type to and code value to ) depend on table #map ?
- create table #trades
- (
- PartId int,
- CodeTypeId int,
- Code int,
- PartLevel int
- )
- insert into #trades(PartId,CodeTypeId,Code,PartLevel)
- values
- (1348,9090,13456,0),
- (1348,7070,13000,1),
- (1387,9090,13456,0),
- (1387,7070,13000,1),
- (1390,9090,13456,0),
- (1390,7070,13000,1),
- (1800,9095,13570,0),
- (1800,7075,14000,1),
- (1850,9095,13570,0),
- (1850,7075,14000,1),
- (1400,9090,13456,0),
- (1410,9090,13456,0),
- (1445,9095,13570,0),
- (1485,9095,13570,0)
- create table #map
- (
- MapId int,
- CodeTypeFrom int,
- CodeTypeTo int,
- CodeValueFrom int,
- CodeValueTo int
- )
- insert into #map(MapId,CodeTypeFrom,CodeTypeTo,CodeValueFrom,CodeValueTo)
- values
- (3030,9090,7070,13456,13000),
- (3035,9095,7075,13570,14000)
Expected Result
- PartId CodeTypeId Code PartLevel
- 1400 9090 13456 0
- 1410 9090 13456 0
- 1445 9095 13570 0
- 1485 9095 13570 0