I work on sql server 2017 i face issue i need to make select statment get Partid from last month until current month
based on last date exist per partid
and on same time if there are any gaps between dates then file it based on last date
first case if i found partid with last date 2022-01-08 then i will add 08-02-2022 and 08-03-2022 as partid 6070
second case if partid with date on month 7 and month 10 and no date per part id on month 8 and 9 then it must display this gap
according to last month as partid 1234 have gap
both cases must applied for all data based on partid
date used below on formate yyyy-mm-dd
create table Parts
PartId int,
CreatedDate date
insert into Parts(PartId,CreatedDate)
i need to make select statment display parts as expected result
green rows only for more clear that these parts must added
Expected result
PartId CreatedDate
1234 2021-07-03
1234 2021-08-03
1234 2021-09-03
1234 2021-10-05
1234 2021-11-05
1234 2021-12-05
1234 2022-01-05
1234 2022-02-05
1234 2022-03-05
5981 2021-11-15
5981 2021-12-03
5981 2022-01-03
5981 2022-02-03
5981 2022-03-03
6070 2021-12-12
6070 2022-01-08
6070 2022-02-08
6070 2022-03-08