How to get gps1 for every locations as following :
- locationArr=[40871, 60009, 38149, 40868, 43240, 15299, 53897, 40976, 38151, 23183, 38152, 78579, 23180, 40977, 23176, 39565, 40884, 15298, 38147, 40966, 39669]
every number represent locationId
I need to pass 21 LocationId to get 21 GPS1 latitude and longtude .
I can get it one for one locationId
- getLocationData(id: number) {
- console.log("server "+id)
- return this.http.get(''+id);
- }
- this.partDetailsService.getLocationData(this.LocationId).subscribe(res => {
- this.dataLocation = res['_source']['GPS1'];
- var loc = this.dataLocation.split(',');
- = loc[0].trim();
- this.lng = loc[1].trim();
But cannot get locationId for 21 location id
so that i need to put code above on for to array of locationId
How to make loop to get values of GPS1 latitude and longtude to every LocationId from array above
meaning i will get GPS1 21 Time .
every locationId have GPS1
How to do that please
i need to replace array of locationId in place of