I have a method name IsQuotaAvailable. i want to get the DailyAvailableQuota data and show it in the webpage. so how can i fetch this data from this method and send to user interface
- public bool IsQuotaAvailable(Neo oNeo, string request)
- {
- EdgeQuotaCheckResponse oresponse = MakeOAuthPostQuotacheck(oNeo, GetQuotaCheckURI(), request);
- if (oresponse != null)
- {
- foreach (RemainingQuota quota in oresponse.Limits)
- {
- if (quota.limit_type.ToLower() == "daily")
- {
- DailyAvailableQuota = quota.remaining_quota;
- }
- else if (quota.limit_type.ToLower() == "monthly")
- {
- MonthlyAvailableQuota = quota.remaining_quota;
- }
- }
- if ( SettingControl.GetBoolean("bUIMonthlycheck", false) && DailyAvailableQuota > 0 && MonthlyAvailableQuota > 0)
- {
- if (!SettingControl.GetBoolean("bAllowQuotaMailCheck", false))
- {
- CheckAndSendQuotaMail(oNeo);
- }
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }