
How to Get a value to DropDownList which is already Binded with other Table Data?

Rajesh Kumar

Rajesh Kumar


Hello there,

I have a problem which i can't understand how to solve it. Help me to get rid of this.

1. My web form having the Employee fields like No(TextBox), Name(TaxtBox), Salary(TextBox), Designation(DropDownList).
2. My form is used to Save, Update and Delete the Employee's Data from Employee Table.
3. I bind the Designation Table Data to the Designation DropdownList.
4. Insert was working good (Enter data to TextBoxes and Select a value in DropDownList).
5. Whenever i want to update data, i enter the No(TextBox) and press Edit Button. I get Name, Salary. But i can't get Designation to DropDownList to Change values and Update the particular Employee's data.

That is the problem i faced. Help me..

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