
How to get a table is automatically updated when another table is updated Using C#

Jun Harefa

Jun Harefa

Hi all, I have 4 (four) tables using MySql database, ie:

tb_item (

id_item, (varchar) --> PK

item_name, (varchar)

price, (double)



tb_order (

id_order, (varchar) --> PK

id_item, (varchar) -->FK

date_order, (date)

lead_time, (float)

order_quantity, (double)



tb_use (

id_use, (varchar) --> PK

id_item, (varchar) -->FK

date_use, (date)

use_quantity, (double)



tb_inventory (

id_inventory, (varchar) --> PK

id_item, (varchar) --> FK

id_order, (varchar) --> FK

id_use, (varchar) --> FK

item_stock, (double)


My problem is I want to item_stock in tb_inventory automatically updated: when tb_order.order_quantity or tb_use.use_quantity are updated, then tb_inventory.item_stock will updated automatically by using a calculation "tb_order.order_quantity – tb_use.use_quantity = tb_inventory.item_stock" (Example: 10 - 7 = 3).

How to create code for the problem in C#.


Please help, thanks in advance.
Answers (2)