How to find out whether the list contains missing elements or not
I am having a requirement like to find out the missing numbers in the list available. I implemented a code but i am unable to get for some of the sequences.
Suppose if i have my list elements as 1,3 i would like to return this as false as 2 is missing.
If i have 1,2,3 i would like to return true as it is in sequence.
Like that i have random numbers in my list so can any one give me the logic for this
I tried this but for some conditions it is not working
int iMax = 0;
int iMin = 0;
iMin = (int)lstSequence[0];
for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < lstSequence.Count; iLoop++)
iMax = (int)lstSequence[iLoop];
for (int icompare = iMin; icompare <= iMax; icompare++)
if (icompare == iMin || icompare == iMax)
if (lstSequence.Contains(icompare))
seq_flag = true;
seq_flag = false;