
How to execute a .bat without error

HI, i need to execute this .bat:
echo off
sqlcmd -S MD1Z7UGC\SQLEXPRESS02 -d 1RQ_BPCSQL1 -E -i C:\BPC\Procesos_Almacenados\SQLQuery3.sql
set /p delExit=Presione una tecla para salir...:
but i got this message and nothing happened in sql:
C:\BPC\Procesos_Almacenados>echo off
Changed database context to '1RQ_BPCSQL1'.
Presione una tecla para salir...:
Please any help?
NOTE: due to i installed SSMS for free it doesn't brings the SERVER AGENT allowed, so i have to run SQL files from Windows CDM.
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