
How to draw simple(white) text over a fullscreen directx 8 game?

ba toma

ba toma

Hello everyone,

I am trying to find ways to draw a run time changeable string over a DirectX 8 game. I tried almost everything search engines could provide me with, and i came up only with the "proxy" solution. Since i am familiar only with C#, and C++ is not an option it is very difficult for me to build the expected .dll. I am wondering if you know other possibility of rendering this text over the directx game. The most annoying problems i found were:
1. The directX app is fullscreen.
2. The app is using directx 8 . Barely finding resources.
3. I need to have my application to control when to draw, when to stop, what to draw over the DirectX.
4. I need to use C#.
If i used wrong terms like "drawing over" i am sorry, but i'm not too familiar with the Drawing part of coding.

Thank you very much.