i have a text "vpn123" in my textbox and i want to convert that all the text in the textbox into ASCII and the ASCII value multiply by 5 and then want to add multiplied values sum add to the next letter ASCII value.I try to do coding but get nothing.Please help!
v => convert to ASCII * 5 = 590 = 590
p => convert to ASCII * 5 = 560 + 590 = 1150
n => convert to ASCII * 5 = 550 + 1150 = 1700
1 => convert to ASCII * 5 = 245 + 1700 = 1945
2 => convert to ASCII * 5 = 250 + 1945 = 2195
3 => convert to ASCII * 5 = 255 + 2195 = 2450
Need to print '59011501700194521952450' as a output in a massage box
how to do in c# ?