How to do recursive call of a generic T return type method?
public static T Deserialize(string json) where T : class, new()
//Some logic
var obj = default(T);
foreach (var ss in splitdata)
var sp2 = ss.Split(':');
if (obj.GetType().GetProperty(sp2[0]).PropertyType == typeof(bool))
obj.GetType().GetProperty(sp2[0]).SetValue(obj, bool.Parse(sp2[1]));
else if (obj.GetType().GetProperty(sp2[0]).PropertyType == typeof(double))
obj.GetType().GetProperty(sp2[0]).SetValue(obj, double.Parse(sp2[1]));
else if (obj.GetType().GetProperty(sp2[0]).PropertyType == typeof(object))
/// Here i want to do recursive call. How can i do that?
/// var innerobj = Deserialize< ????? >(sp2[1]);
obj.GetType().GetProperty(sp2[0]).SetValue(obj, innerobj);
return obj;
*What to write in place of ???? in code?