I work on angular 7 app I need to display column offilneURL with no data where column name equal offilne URL in report control table .
this mean only column Name offilneURL will display but empty data on it .
Logic I need to do is
if (this.reportcontrol.columnType=1) {
no data will display inside offilneURL column on contentBody array of object . }
- ReportControl:any[];
- reportid:string;
- reportid=2028;
- this._displayreport.GetReportControl(reportid).subscribe((res: any[]) => {
- this.ReportControl = res;
- });
- report control is [{"reportId":2028,"fieldName":"offilneURL","columnType":1}]
content body represent all data details for report as below :
- contentBody:any[];
- this._displayreport.GetReportDetails(reportid).subscribe((data: any[]) => {
- this.contentBody = data;
content body :
- [{"revisionID":"272299243","companyName":"Innovasic,Inc.","offilneURL":"https:
- ata.com/2019/1/13/8/55/47/351/662203977/21527_SPCN.PDF"
- },
- {"revisionID":"272299243","companyName":"Innovasic,
- Inc.","offilneURL":"https:
- PDF"
- }]
I prepare stackblitz for sample above I work on it
Expected Result of content Body array of object as Below :