
How to disable the maximize symbol in title bar

maliya rama

maliya rama

In this code i can't disable the maximize symbol in title bar in  google chrome so help me

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function OpenLogin()
        var l = (screen.width/2)-(400/2);
       var t = (screen.height/2)-(200/2);
       var w=400;
       var h=200
      var options = {
        height: h, // sets the height in pixels of the window.
        width: w, // sets the width in pixels of the window.
        toolbar: 0, // determines whether a toolbar (includes the forward and back buttons) is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
        scrollbars: 0, // determines whether scrollbars appear on the window {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
        status: 1, // whether a status line appears at the bottom of the window {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
        resizable: 0, // whether the window can be resized {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. Can also be overloaded using resizable.
        left: l, // left position when the window appears.
        top: t, // top position when the window appears.
        center: 0, // should we center the window? {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. overrides top and left
        createnew: 0, // should we create a new window for each occurance {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
        location: 0, // determines whether the address bar is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
        menubar: 0 // determines whether the menu bar is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
    var parameters = "location=" + options.location +
                     ",menubar=" + options.menubar +
                     ",height=" + options.height +
                     ",width=" + options.width +
                     ",toolbar=" + options.toolbar +
                     ",scrollbars=" + options.scrollbars +
                     ",status=" + options.status +
                     ",resizable=" + options.resizable +
                     ",left=" + options.left +
                     ",screenX=" + options.left +
                     ",top=" + options.top +
                     ",screenY=" + options.top;

    // target url
    var target = 'Login.aspx'  
    popup = window.open(target, 'popup', parameters);
    //    var left = (screen.width/2)-(400/2);
     //   var top = (screen.height/2)-(200/2);
      //  var w=400;
      //  var h=200
        //newwindow=window.open("Login.aspx","popup","toolbar=off, location=no, directories=no, status=off, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=off, copyhistory=no, width="+w+", height="+h+", top="+top+", left="+left);
       // var answer = window.showModalDialog("Login.aspx","","dialogWidth:300px; dialogHeight:200px; center:yes");
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