
How to digitally sign a .NET user control to access Windows API funcs like FindWindow()

Hi,I have made an activeX control in .NET by making a "Windows Control Library" Project a
now,i added a "User control"
and did basic stuff, like multiply the nums in two textboxes...

now,here was what i have succesfully done

now,i need to DIGITALLY sign the activeX control to allow me to use the Windows API funcs...
currently, it gives me a security exception... now, i know ,i need to get a digital certificate from "verisign" but i dont want to do that as its only a student project... is there any alternative way? plz help....i know that in java,one can sign applets by temporarily signing it by some tool provided by the jdk..is there anything similar in .NET or any other possibility...
plz help...
if possible,plz mail me the solution at
wajih2k at yahoo.com ,
thanx a lot!!