How to delete child records from table tradecode that not have parent on tradecode ?
parent and child exist on table trade code based on table MappingCodeValue parent and child
so i need to delete records from trade code table that not have parent on table trade code
so according to my explain two rows 5,6 on trade code table will be deleted
- TradeCodeId PartId CodeType CodeValue
- 5 1444 ECCS-URB AB666-URB
- 6 1931 ECCS-URB AB778-URB
so it wrong and i will delete it
but another rows on trade code have parent and child according to table mappingcodevalue so that it is correct
so how to write query delete rows that have rows that have child and not have parent from trade code
based on value exist on mappingcodevalue
- drop table #MappingCodeValue
- drop table #TradeCode
- create table #MappingCodeValue
- (
- id int identity (1,1),
- ParentCodeType nvarchar(50),
- ParentCodeValue nvarchar(50),
- ChildCodeType nvarchar(50),
- ChildCodeValue nvarchar(50)
- )
- INSERT INTO #MappingCodeValue
- (ParentCodeType,ParentCodeValue,ChildCodeType,ChildCodeValue)
- ('ECCS-US','AB123-US','ECCS-URB','AB123-URB'),
- ('ECCS-US','AB555-US','ECCS-URB','AB555-URB'),
- ('ECCS-US','AB666-US','ECCS-URB','AB666-URB'),
- ('ECCS-US','AB778-US','ECCS-URB','AB778-URB')
- (
- TradeCodeId int identity(1,1),
- PartId int,
- CodeType nvarchar(50),
- CodeValue nvarchar(50)
- )
- insert into #TradeCode(PartId,CodeType,CodeValue)VALUES
- (1222,'ECCS-US','AB123-US'),
- (1255,'ECCS-US','AB555-US'),
- (1222,'ECCS-URB','AB123-URB'),
- (1255,'ECCS-URB','AB555-URB'),
- (1444,'ECCS-URB','AB666-URB'),
- (1931,'ECCS-URB','AB778-URB')