
How to define AccessControl Class in ASP.NET MVC

Hi guys!
First off, let me make it clear that I'm absolutely new to ASP.NET MVC, so my questions may seem a little confusing or out of order.
I'm trying to build an MVC web application using Code First workflow, and I have a problem with how I want to create my AccessControl table. I want to determine which role (my project has 3 roles) will have the authorization to access specific pages or menus. But I don't have the slightest idea what the columns of this table should be. I've seen columns like "Modified", "ModifiedBy", "Created", "CreatedBy", etc. in examples, but honestly I don't know what they actually mean. 
I don't know if my question is too basic to be answered in this commuinty, but I hope you could help me with this. Thank you all in advance.
Answers (2)