I am trying to create navigation inside a listbox menu. I load data from xml to populate a list. Each item in the list box should be a link or button. Then, I create a frame to load xaml pages in it. I tested to load pages employing button control, outside listbox with on click event and it worked well. However, I cannot make it work with list box items. I am hoping to get help from you. Any sample or ideas are highly appreciated.
Below is the code:
<ListBox x:Name="Nav_ListBox" Margin="0" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" Background="#FFF2F2F2" ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource pageTemplate}" ItemsSource="{Binding pageCollection}" Padding="6" IsTabStop="True" BorderThickness="0" Width="200" SelectedIndex="1" Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxStyle1}"/>
XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Pages> <page id="page01"> <name>Page 01</name> </page> <page id="page02"> <name>Page 02</name> </page> </Pages>
C# to initiate a click o n listbox item and get the path to page:
private void SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { ListBoxItem lbi = ((sender as ListBox).SelectedItem as ListBoxItem); string itemName = lbi.Content.ToString(); if ( Nav_ListBox.SelectedItem.Equals("Page01" ) ) { ContentFrame.Source = new Uri("Pages/Page01.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
} }
Thank you in advance.