How to create a 'list within a list' using a sql temp table and then search threw it and do matching.
In a stored procedure.
I will read a DB table and build an internal table in SQL server to build 'My list'.
#t1_SelectionId int
'My list' data:
I will then read a DB table and build an internal table in SQL server to build a list of users and their selections. Each can have a different number of entries.
CREATE TABLE #t2_UsersSelectionsList
#t2_UserId int,
#t2_SelectionId int
-- Holds a User's selections data.
-- 1, 1
-- 1, 2
-- 1, 3
-- 1, 7
-- 1, 8
-- 1, 9
-- 2, 1
-- 2, 9
-- 3, 1
-- 3, 2
-- 3, 3
-- 3, 4
-- 3, 5
-- 3, 6
-- 4, 1
-- 4, 2
-- 4, 3
-- 4, 4
-- 4, 8
-- 4, 9
-- 5, 7
-- 5, 8
-- 5, 11
-- 6, 1
-- 6, 2
-- 6, 7
-- 6, 8
-- 6, 9
-- 6, 10
-- 6, 13
-- 6, 14
-- 7, 50
I then think I need to group each user and load into a 'list of lists.
CREATE TABLE #t3_AllUsersSelectionsListOfLists
#t3_UserId int,
#t3_ListOfLists ? -- How to define this? A list of by user
-- in the t2_UsersSelectionsList.
-- ‘All users selections list of lists’ data:
-- user 1:
-- 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9
-- user 2:
-- 1, 9
-- user 3:
-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
-- user 4:
-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9
-- user 5:
-- 7, 8, 11
-- user 6:
-- 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14
-- user 7:
-- 50
I then will create 5 buckets to contain users.
CREATE TABLE #t4_ZeroPercentMatchList
#t4_UserId int
CREATE TABLE #t5_LessThan50PercentMatchList
#t5_UserId int
CREATE TABLE #t6_50PercentMatchList
#t6_UserId int
CREATE TABLE #t7_75PercentMatchList
#t7_UserId int
CREATE TABLE #t8_100PercentMatchList
#t8_UserId int
I want to match 'My list' to the #t3_AllUsersSelectionsListOfLists.
Iterating threw each entry in 'My list' to find matches in #t3_AllUsersSelectionsListOfLists. Iterating threw each entry in #t3_ListOfLists. Putting the matched entries 'user' into a bucket per percent of match.
CREATE TABLE #t9_BucketsListOfLists
#t9_MatchBucket varchar(5), -- '0%', '<50%', '50%', '75%', '100%'
#9_ListOfLists ? -- How to define this? A list of all:
-- #t4_ to #t8_.
-- Result - a 5 entry 'list of lists':
-- 0% bucket - 'My list' had no matches to this user(s)
-- user 5
-- user 7
-- <50% bucket - 'My list' had <50% to this user(s)
-- user 6
-- 50% bucket - 'My list' had a 50% to these user(s)
-- user 1
-- user 2
-- 75% bucket - 'My list' had a 75% to this user(s)
-- user 4
-- 100% bucket - 'My list' had a 100% to this user(s)
-- user 3
I will then return the #t9_BucketsListOfLists (the 5 percent buckets) a ‘list of lists’ back to the calling web page
How do I write this in SQL server?
How do I set up this temp table structure for 'list of lists'?
Do I use a cursor to search or is there a better way?