Hi all,
I want to copy a file (any file text, excel, image) from my local computer to cloud server (computer not in network).
Following is the code which i have tried. On local computer there is a file on c drive which I want to copy into remote server folder File_Upload which is present on c drive and shared folder.
With following code error is showing as "Network path was not found"
// username and password for permission to access shared folder
// File_Upload folder is on c drive on remote computer and it is shared folder
var impersonationContext = new WrappedImpersonationContext(@"\\Remote_Server_IPAddress\c$\File_Upload", UserName, Password);
File.Copy(@"C:\File_Upload\Testing.txt", @"\\Remote_Server_IPAddress\c$\File_Upload\Testing.txt", true);
public sealed class WrappedImpersonationContext
public enum LogonType : int
Interactive = 2,
Network = 3,
Batch = 4,
Service = 5,
Unlock = 7,
NetworkClearText = 8,
NewCredentials = 9
public enum LogonProvider : int
WinNT35 = 1,
WinNT40 = 2, // Use the NTLM logon provider.
WinNT50 = 3 // Use the negotiate logon provider.
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "LogonUserW", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern bool LogonUser(String lpszUsername, String lpszDomain,
String lpszPassword, LogonType dwLogonType, LogonProvider dwLogonProvider, ref IntPtr phToken);
public extern static bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);
private readonly string _domain, _password, _username;
private IntPtr _token;
private WindowsImpersonationContext _context;
private bool IsInContext
get { return _context != null; }
public WrappedImpersonationContext(string domain, string username, string password)
_domain = String.IsNullOrEmpty(domain) ? "." : domain;
_username = username;
_password = password;
// Changes the Windows identity of this thread. Make sure to always call Leave() at the end.
[PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")]
public void Enter()
if (IsInContext)
_token = IntPtr.Zero;
bool logonSuccessfull = LogonUser(_username, _domain, _password, LogonType.NewCredentials, LogonProvider.WinNT50, ref _token);
if (!logonSuccessfull)
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
WindowsIdentity identity = new WindowsIdentity(_token);
_context = identity.Impersonate();
[PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")]
public void Leave()
if (!IsInContext)
if (_token != IntPtr.Zero)
_context = null;
How can I resolved this issue?
Thank you.