How to convert VB.Net to CSharp?
Because my knowledge in c # are still very limited I am trying to convert the following routine VB.Net to C #. I have found several converters in the network. The problem is that converters provide me a code that works properly and I tried to change but I can not get it to work. The routine to convert is:
Private Sub buttonFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttonFile.Click
If OpenMDialog.FileName.Length And (OpenMDialog.FileName.EndsWith("mdb") Or OpenMDialog.FileName.EndsWith("accdb")) Then
lblFile.Text = OpenMDialog.FileName
End If
End Sub
and the result is as follows:
private void buttonFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ this.OpenMDialog.ShowDialog();
if ((this.OpenMDialog.FileName.Length & -((this.OpenMDialog.FileName.EndsWith("mdb") | this.OpenMDialog.FileName.EndsWith("accdb")) > false)) > 0)
this.labelFile.Text = this.OpenMDialog.FileName;
When I try to compile, the compiler sends me the message siguiete:
"Expected )"
When I fix the problem of parenthesis, I get the new error that I do not know how to correct:
Error: Operator '>' can not be Applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'bool'
How do I change this "if" statement to avoid the error?
thank you all.
Translated into Spanish:
Debido a que mis conocimientos en c# aun son muy limitados estoy intentando convertir la siguiente rutina de VB.Net a C#.He encontrado varios conversores en la red. El problema es que los convertidores me proporcionan un código que no funciona y aunque he intentado modificarlo no logro hacerlo funcionar. La rutina a convertir es la siguiente:
Private Sub buttonFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttonFile_Click
If OpenMDialog.FileName.Length And (OpenMDialog.FileName.EndsWith("mdb") Or OpenMDialog.FileName.EndsWith("accdb")) Then
labelFile.Text = OpenMDialog.FileName
End If
y el resultado el que viene a continuación:
private void buttonFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((this.OpenMDialog.FileName.Length & -((this.OpenMDialog.FileName.EndsWith("mdb") | this.OpenMDialog.FileName.EndsWith("accdb")) > false)) > 0)
this.labelFile.Text = this.OpenMDialog.FileName;
Cuando intento la compilación, el compilador me envía el mensaje siguiete:
"Expected )"
Cuando corrijo el problema de los parentesis, me aparece el siguiente error que no se como correguir:
Error: Operator '>' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'bool'
¿Cómo se cambia esta instrucción "if" para evitar el error?
gracias a todos.