
How To Convert This VB.net Code Into C#.net ?

nco hlivaj

nco hlivaj

I found this code from twos models in VB.net I really want it to C# code [windows application]. I have no experience in VB.

How to convert it?

Class #1

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Diagnostics

Public NotInheritable Class Code128Rendering

#Region "Code patterns"
Private Shared ReadOnly cPatterns As Integer(,) = {{2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, _
0, 0}, {2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, _

#End Region

Private Const cQuietWidth As Integer = 10

Public Shared Function MakeBarcodeImage(ByVal InputData As String, ByVal BarWeight As Integer, ByVal AddQuietZone As Boolean) As Image

Dim content As New Code128Content(InputData)
Dim codes As Integer() = content.Codes
Dim width As Integer, height As Integer
width = ((codes.Length - 3) * 11 + 35) * BarWeight
height = Convert.ToInt32(System.Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToSingle(width) * 0.15F))

If AddQuietZone Then
width += 2 * cQuietWidth * BarWeight
End If

Dim myimg As Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(width, height)
Using gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(myimg)

gr.FillRectangle(System.Drawing.Brushes.White, 0, 0, width, height)

Dim cursor As Integer = If(AddQuietZone, cQuietWidth * BarWeight, 0)

For codeidx As Integer = 0 To codes.Length - 1
Dim code As Integer = codes(codeidx)

For bar As Integer = 0 To 7 Step 2
Dim barwidth As Integer = cPatterns(code, bar) * BarWeight
Dim spcwidth As Integer = cPatterns(code, bar + 1) * BarWeight

If barwidth > 0 Then
gr.FillRectangle(System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, cursor, 0, barwidth, height)
End If

cursor += (barwidth + spcwidth)
End Using

Return myimg

End Function

End Class

Class #2

#Region " Class "

#Region " Enums "

Public Enum CodeSetAllowed
End Enum

Public Enum CodeSet
End Enum

#End Region

Public Class Code128Content
Private mCodeList As Integer()

Public Sub New(ByVal AsciiData As String)
mCodeList = StringToCode128(AsciiData)
End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property Codes() As Integer()
Return mCodeList
End Get
End Property

Private Function StringToCode128(ByVal AsciiData As String) As Integer()

Dim asciiBytes As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(AsciiData)

Dim csa1 As CodeSetAllowed = If(asciiBytes.Length > 0, Code128Code.CodesetAllowedForChar(asciiBytes(0)), CodeSetAllowed.CodeAorB)
Dim csa2 As CodeSetAllowed = If(asciiBytes.Length > 0, Code128Code.CodesetAllowedForChar(asciiBytes(1)), CodeSetAllowed.CodeAorB)
Dim currcs As CodeSet = GetBestStartSet(csa1, csa2)

Dim codes As New List(Of Integer)(asciiBytes.Length + 3)

For i As Integer = 0 To asciiBytes.Length - 1
Dim thischar As Integer = asciiBytes(i)
Dim nextchar As Integer = If(asciiBytes.Length > (i + 1), asciiBytes(i + 1), -1)

codes.AddRange(Code128Code.CodesForChar(thischar, nextchar, currcs))

Dim checksum As Integer = CInt(codes(0))
For i As Integer = 1 To codes.Count - 1
checksum += i * CInt(codes(i))

codes.Add(checksum Mod 103)

Return codes.ToArray
End Function

Private Function GetBestStartSet(ByVal csa1 As CodeSetAllowed, ByVal csa2 As CodeSetAllowed) As CodeSet
Dim vote As Integer = 0

vote += If((csa1 = CodeSetAllowed.CodeA), 1, 0)
vote += If((csa1 = CodeSetAllowed.CodeB), -1, 0)
vote += If((csa2 = CodeSetAllowed.CodeA), 1, 0)
vote += If((csa2 = CodeSetAllowed.CodeB), -1, 0)

Return If((vote > 0), CodeSet.CodeA, CodeSet.CodeB)
End Function
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class Code128Code

#Region "Constants"

Private Const cSHIFT As Integer = 98
Private Const cCODEA As Integer = 101
Private Const cCODEB As Integer = 100

Private Const cSTARTA As Integer = 103
Private Const cSTARTB As Integer = 104
Private Const cSTOP As Integer = 106

#End Region

Public Shared Function CodesForChar(ByVal CharAscii As Integer, ByVal LookAheadAscii As Integer, ByRef CurrCodeSet As CodeSet) As Integer()
Dim result As Integer()
Dim shifter As Integer = -1

If Not CharCompatibleWithCodeset(CharAscii, CurrCodeSet) Then
If (LookAheadAscii <> -1) AndAlso Not CharCompatibleWithCodeset(LookAheadAscii, CurrCodeSet) Then
Select Case CurrCodeSet
Case CodeSet.CodeA
shifter = cCODEB
CurrCodeSet = CodeSet.CodeB
Exit Select
Case CodeSet.CodeB
shifter = cCODEA
CurrCodeSet = CodeSet.CodeA
Exit Select
End Select
shifter = cSHIFT
End If
End If

If shifter <> -1 Then
result = New Integer(1) {}
result(0) = shifter
result(1) = CodeValueForChar(CharAscii)
result = New Integer(0) {}
result(0) = CodeValueForChar(CharAscii)
End If

Return result
End Function

Public Shared Function CodesetAllowedForChar(ByVal CharAscii As Integer) As CodeSetAllowed
If CharAscii >= 32 AndAlso CharAscii <= 95 Then
Return CodeSetAllowed.CodeAorB
Return If((CharAscii < 32), CodeSetAllowed.CodeA, CodeSetAllowed.CodeB)
End If
End Function

Public Shared Function CharCompatibleWithCodeset(ByVal CharAscii As Integer, ByVal currcs As CodeSet) As Boolean
Dim csa As CodeSetAllowed = CodesetAllowedForChar(CharAscii)
Return csa = CodeSetAllowed.CodeAorB OrElse (csa = CodeSetAllowed.CodeA AndAlso currcs = CodeSet.CodeA) OrElse (csa = CodeSetAllowed.CodeB AndAlso currcs = CodeSet.CodeB)
End Function

Public Shared Function CodeValueForChar(ByVal CharAscii As Integer) As Integer
Return If((CharAscii >= 32), CharAscii - 32, CharAscii + 64)
End Function

Public Shared Function StartCodeForCodeSet(ByVal cs As CodeSet) As Integer
Return If(cs = CodeSet.CodeA, cSTARTA, cSTARTB)
End Function

Public Shared Function StopCode() As Integer
Return cSTOP
End Function

End Class

#End Region
Answers (3)