
how to convert Json Result ?

Jaya Prakash

Jaya Prakash

Feb 27

i wanted to get my table data in json format and im getting it from db like below


and result as shown in picture when i click on that result the extension for is .xml

im getting this result to my code behind through a procedure but im unable to get this result

In my DAL class getting empty how can i get this to my code behind

im getting null as above what should i do

and my procedure 

so i keep JSON AUTO to get result 

set @BaseQuery='insert into #basetable select * from ('+@BaseQuery+@datecheck+@statuscheck+@APIPartnerIDCheck+')as subquery ORDER BY RequestID DESC' 		  					  
exec sp_executesql @BaseQuery      
PRINT @BaseQuery

set @BaseQuery='select * from #basetable for JSON AUTO'      
exec sp_executesql @BaseQuery              

How can i get it to my code behind??

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